Digital Natives

Digital Dossier posted on YouTube

"A digital native is a person who has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and iPod. A digital immigrant is an individual who grew up without digital technology and adopted it later."
When the first time I watched this movie from YouTube, I felt really scared from the future.  I start thinking of myself when I become grandma.   How this world will be in about 20 years from now.  But then I realized that if the world is moving this way, I have to be sure I'm following what is new in technology so when I become grandma I don't be ignorant when I take my grand kids to the doctor office or to school.  don't you think it is a little scary!!
Uploaded by digitalnatives on Aug 13, 2008 on Youtube

How aware are you of your digital dossier? Watch this time line of Andy's lifespan and find out...


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