Computer Classes at KAS

Computer Classes

Multimedia Projects
This is a semester course. Students will have the chance to explore and learn about different multimedia applications. They will strengthen their potential, confidence and technical life skills with experiences on using those applications. Students will enjoy engaging, effective and meaningful educational experiences through these powerful features: Interactive multimedia with stimulating graphics and animations, Movie production using iMovie, Creating sound affect for their movie using Garage Band.

Information and Communication Technology class is teaching students about the history of the computer, the major components of the computer (hardware and software).  The class also will be focusing on learning new technologies and online applications, which will be affecting people life in near future.   The aims of this class are:

  • Help students to develop and consolidate their knowledge, skills and understanding in ICT and be aware of new and emerging technologies. 
  • Encourage students to continue to develop their ICT skills to enhance their work in a variety of subject areas.
  • Provide opportunities for students to analyze, design, implement, test and evaluate ICT systems.
  • Encourage students to consider the impact of new technologies on methods of working in the outside world and on social, economic, ethical and moral issues.
  • Help students to improve their skills and increase their awareness of the ways in which ICT is used in practical and work-related situations.

Adobe Applications (InDesign and Flash)
This course is divided into two parts. The first part is designed to focus on Adobe InDesign CS3, which will introduce students to the page layout and the toolbox of the InDesign program.
Starting with the program basics, student will build skills and confidence in navigating this
application and using its key tools. Students will be creating pages for the school yearbook.
The second part of the class will focus on Adobe Flash CS3. It is designed to teach students how to design animations that could be used in business advertisements or websites. Students will learn the fundamentals of Adobe Flash fast with a fluid workflow and best practices. It is a task-based course, with students learning by doing.
Basic Skills for Journalism and Media Technology:
This course is designed to introduce students to the media technology applications such as Adobe Applications, with more focused on Adobe InDesign, and Google Blog. Students will be learning how to use them and relay them to any publishing field. In addition students will be learning basic skills of the journalism field such as clear writing, the ability to prioritize and synthesize information, performance under deadline pressure, and producing news stories for KAS newsletter. Throughout the semester students will have the chance to improve their writing skills.

Business Computer Applications:
Business and Computer Applications provides an overview of the basic information about
Business in general and the essential things that people need to know before they can join or establish any business or organization. The class also provides an overview of the integrated software packages most often used in the workplace. Students learn about Microsoft Office 2011 Applications and some other online applications that have become essential for business.
Examples of these applications are: Linkedin, Facebook, Blog, Animoto…etc. The class focuses on how these applications could be used as marketing tools in business.

Digital Media 

The field of Digital Media Technologies has become one of the most popular field in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT).   Digital Media and Technology course is designed to give students an opportunity to explore ranges of innovative skills in the field of Information and Communication Technology.  The areas that they may explore are:
  • Graphic design
  • Animation
  • Audio production
  • Video production
  • Web design
Students will be learning on their own paths using online tools, websites, or any applications they would like to explore and learn about it. Students will explore, practice, and investigate how to integrate digital media technologies into systems that align with project requirements. They will also reflect on common issues and the effects of social and environmental awareness in developing their designs.

For more list of computer classes that offered as electives for high school at KAS vist our Course Descriptions Handbook on our school's website 


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